The moon?
Celestial bodies such as the moon serve many purposes. Primarily it acts as a source of magnetism for the Earth. It anchors magnetic energy from the cosmos first to self and then to the Earth. It also acts as a polarity partner for the Earth. As energy bounces between them, it is amplified and directed giving the two a directional energy thruster. Along with magnetic energy that appears as light, the moon is also the brightest object in the night's sky. Much may be said about its involvement in ceremonies performed in the shadows. This projection from the Earth-dwelling beings has also programmed great amounts of mystic energy into the moon. The phases of the moon as observed from the Earth's surface also serve as a directional locater and polarity meter for Earthlings. The full(light moon) directs energy away from the Earth, while the Dark(new) moon directs energy towards it. How do you utilize the energy of the dark moon? What energy do you project at the light moon?